Interim Management and Marketing Consultants
for When You Are Short of Cash, Time, or Know-How

"Business Shouldn't Come to a Halt
Just Because a Key Employee
(or Even the Owner) is Unavailable"

Every business will be short a key staff person sooner or later. Sometimes the owner will be unable to continue with daily activities for a short period. Worse yet, an owner may be completely unavailable due to accidents, illness or even by lenders' demands. And not every business can afford to have a manager on staff ready to take over.

Finding a permanent replacement takes time. Time that most businesses don't have. Customers, employees, suppliers and bankers won't wait. You need someone right now!

Contingency Planning is Smart Business

Planning ahead for possible emergencies is smart. Should something actually happen, you are ready to go into action and recover quickly. You bought fire, liability and business interruption insurance just in case, right?

But have you planned for the loss of a key employee?

Have you planned ahead in case something happens to you? What will happen to your family if you are not able to run your business. Will the business close or go bankrupt? Do you want your family to keep running the business or to sell it as a going concern? All those decisions may be in your will, but that won't keep the doors open.

Who will Fill in for You?

Certainly your lawyer or accountant can help. They are somewhat familiar with your business. But do they really have the time to fully handle all your business' activity? Sometimes they might. Can your business really afford a fulltime attorney's fees for very long? Perhaps these professionals are better employed in overseeing that your business is being run properly, rather than running it every day themselves.

"Interim Consultant" means NOW!

John Rust is available to immediately fill the gap and help you keep business rolling along. John's diverse background and ability to quickly adapt will let you carry on without losing customers, key employees or banking relationships. Then, you, your family and advisors can work on a longer term solution if the need continues.

"Call Now to Arrange a Free Consultation"

Or click here to send me an E-mail, and I will call you. Let's get to know each other, and discuss some of your most pressing problems, during a brief, confidential, visit in your office. I will freely share my ideas with you, even though there is no charge for this meeting, and no obligation.

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